Update on the Final Project

For my final project, I'd like to create a story map. Initially I was floundering on what exactly I would represent, but I've since latched on to one of Professor Evans' ideas, a map of WWI military installations in Virginia. As a military brat, I have a special affinity for military installations, having lived on them the first 18 years of my life.

I've done some research into the actual sites of the installations (here and here seem like good places to start), but have spent more time deciding which platform to use to create my story map. During college I became adept at using Prezi, and consider that platform a contender for this project. In the below video you can see some of the ways in which Prezi can be used to create a story map -- and it has the added ability to make things look visually complex in layers of text and graphics.

Of course I've also been looking into what ArcGIS can offer -- the gallery is a particularly useful place to start. The "Rickshaw Run" project in the gallery really shows what the platform is capable of, and has given me the idea to try and find ways to include videos within my story map. Perhaps I can find period footage of some of the military installations.

I can see this project going in several directions, but as always I think it will come down to time. I like the idea of taking the installations and connecting them to the regiments or divisions operating out of the installation. From there I could map where the divisions were sent to during WWI.

On the other hand, I also like the idea of overlaying WWI installations with WWII and present day, to show the conversion many of these installations made into either joint-bases or closed altogether. More research into the subject matter will help steer the project -- I'll need sufficient data to plot either idea. In about two minutes on Creative Commons search engine I was able to find the below. As an example, I would include something like this postcard from approximately 1930-1945 in a discussion of Fort Belvior in WWII.


  1. I had not considered using prezi for a story map, and I am intrigued, and I like trying out different tools to see what works. I wonder if looking through the Washington Post (available on the NVCC library page) during World War I might help you locate some WW1 bases. Of course, the Hampton Roads were a major port of embarkation during both wars. Let me check with someone about possible sources.


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